When can I stop thinking about ***?!
*** just kept popping out in my mind, regardless of where I am, what I'm doing.
If positive thinking, I'm still alright with it. BUT! It's all the negative thoughts that I'm having, and making lots and lots of assumptions without clarifying these doubts I have in mind.
Well, maybe as Lay Hoon said, a step at a time. Plus Buddy who asked me to work hard myself, I can't expect that something will just fall from the sky and provide me the answers to my doubts.
Conclusion is that, I have to do my part by trying my best while at the same time, taking step by step and not rush into the matter. If not, I think I'll make it worse.
Anyway, thanks for being there for me, Lay Hoon and Buddy (at this point in time, these are the only two who know what I'm talking about), and of course not forgetting the Buddha and the God who are always there for me.
No matter what, I'll pull through this stage. *keeping my fingers crossed* I hope so.
Note: *** refers to the problem
Friday, August 8, 2008
when will I stop thinking about ***?
Posted by
eng eng
9:44 PM