Oh yes! Exam's finally over! Now enjoying my life without books, feeling so great! Haha~ So, having been a lot of days not updating my blog, I'll now upload some photos taken recently, and also some videos of my nephew's childcare centre graduating ceremony performance by the students there. So cute lor, these kids.. Adorable! Feel like going forward to hug them.. Haha~ Oh ya, please don't mind the conversation from the background of the video. Hehe~ A lot of people talking, so just recorded the conversation while videoing these kids dancing =D
hehe.. let's take photo together bah..
Ultraman! (purposely ask him take photo coz his mouth, so dirty! haha~ oops!)
"har!" strongggg~
Power ranger! har! har!
Photos taken by Divan:
Videos of kids performing at the childcare centre graduation ceremony: