Haha~ Been a long long long long donkey "years" that I've blogged already, did anyone miss me? Well, I doubt so but it's okie.
Finally exam's over and it's time to relax and play hard till the start of another round of "torture" in July. People have been asking me if ACCA is really that tough. Honestly speaking, if you've done enough work, there's shouldn't be a problem in passing, I mean PASSING, not scoring.
As for me, it's considered tough as.. Haha~ Yupp.. I'm not that hardworking type to study. I'm those last minute "learner", but more likely to be called a bad habit. This habit is really hard to change, and I'm really very used to it. For that I've been doing that don't know for how many years already.
I love studying at night, from 11pm to around 2am or 3am. That's the best time for me to study. Quiet and cool environment. I'll on the radio and listen to 933fm while studying.
A kind reminder, last minute study don't work well for ACCA study. Don't ever do it if you don't want to be like me i.e high chance of failing. Consistency hard work will be the one that makes you pass. Haha~
I'll be going Bangkok with some of my colleagues this Saturday 20 Jun 09 for a 4 Days 3 Nights short trip. Excited! Haha~ Haven't start packing yet, but nothing much to bring, so should be quite fast when packing.
Don't know what should I get for my family and friends, totally no idea yet. Well, wait till in Bangkok then decide since can't think of any right now.
Oh ya, some photos to share here. Went to attend an accountant's wedding on 31 May 09 (the day before my exam). She's so pretty on that day, looks so different. Haha~
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Yoz~ I'm FINALLY back again~
Posted by
eng eng
11:08 PM