Oh my goodness! I wonder if I'll pass my F4 Business and Corporate Law paper not. Thought can focus on the tips given (of course did read through the other topics, but will concentrate on the tips given), in the end!! Disappointment! =(
I think around 30% to 40% of the tips appeared, the other questions were not. I should have also focus on the areas which I think will come up (I anyhow spot 3 to 4 areas, and 2 or 3 questions did appear), but I didn't! I just read through the answers from the exam kit for about 2 times or so, without paying much attention to it. Regret ah!
(Of course I know it's not the lecturer's fault, it's all my fault for concentrating too much on the tips given.)
Anyway, just hope that can pass as there are about 2 or 3 questions which I anyhow write some answers just for the sake of not leaving any blanks in my answer booklet -_-'''
Now start to worry about the tips given for my F5 Performance Management paper. Wondering if I can concentrate on those tips not as the lecturers' seem quite sure that the tips are quite accurate, or I should say, for one of the topic mentioned, it seems that it will certainly appear.
Well, think I'm going to concentrate on the tips again due to time constraint. Haha~ Of course I'll revise through every topics/areas, not just the areas under the tips given.
All the best to myself and everyone else taking the ACCA papers. Cheers!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Omg! Pass will do, really.
Posted by
eng eng
11:12 PM