Tell yourself, "At least I've tried".
That's what I've told myself after I've tried to solve my problem. Though result is not considered as what you want, but at least you still give it a try even though knowing that this will be the outcome anyway.
No regrets will there be after trying, don't you agree? At least the problem is now, more or less, considered solved. Just work harder a bit on it and it will be solved in no time. Looking forward to that day.
Anyway, enough on this (the above issue) as I know that nobody will be interested anyway. Haha~
So, how has life been going on for you guys? Well, unknowingly, I've actually worked in this company for 4 months plus, going 5th month soon in about 1 week's time. I mean, that will include my temp's period there. I started working as temp staff in the middle of April 08, and converted to a permanent staff around mid May 08 too. To be more precise, about 5 weeks of temp, I was being converted (counting from effective date).
Wow~ Really darn fast. I wonder how long I'll be able to stay in this company. Maybe i don't have confidence in myself for doing a good job there. who knows I might be fired? Haha~ Hope won't have that day anyway. Bad for my resume. Haha~
Now, I'm starting to worry about my study. I'm scared that I'll fail in my exam. Yesterday, on of my colleague asked me if I've got confidence in passing my two papers. Guess what's my answer? Haha~
Ya! I got confidence that I'll fail the papers.
That's true! I'm not kidding. Though majority of the contend for these 2 papers are from poly's work, but these 2 papers are also the not so good papers during my poly time. Definitely I'll scare that I'll not be able to make it.
That's why I've begin to look through my poly's lecture notes for Business Law. Well, to refresh memory I mean, as the ACCA notes are too briefed. it has to be read together with the textbook in order to get a clearer picture of what's going on. Hardworking, isn't I? Haha~ First time ever doing this, so you can sense how worried I am for the coming exams, don't you? Haha~
Saturday, September 6, 2008
at the very least, I've tried =)
Posted by
eng eng
4:31 PM