Got a test on Firday, but haven't start revising yet. Just don't have the mood to start revising. Keeping my fingers crossed, hoping can pass the test bahx.. =x Heard from Management Accounting lecturer that got 1 failure for her test, and I'm very worried that it's me. Why lehx? Because I've got 9 marks (out of 25 marks) already gone as I've done wrong totally. I don't have confidence that I'll have no mistake from the remaining questions. Therefore, the failure rate for me is actually quite high, or rather, very high! Haix.. If I were to fail that test paper, I need to work real hard for exams in order to do better for the paper. Haix.. Sob sob.. T_T
Okie lahx.. I think I'll stop here. Gonna try get some sleep first. *YAWN* Tired.. Good night! Or should I say good morning instead? Lolx.. Whatever lahx.. Sweet dreams to myself.. =)