Thank you Mum! Thank you for lending me money and supporting me in being a Herbalife distributor. I understand that you are worried that I might not be able to sell all the products that are on hand right now. I promise you that I'll really work hard and repay you asap. Although you didn't rush me into repaying you back, but I'm just worried that your financial status might not be that good anymore after lending me the sum of money. So, I really hope that I can repay you back asap.
Would like to thank Fi. also for trusting me so much and that, agreed to lend me a small sum of money also. Thanks a lot. I know what your concern is of me entering into this business, but I'll try my best to do this. Maybe, you'll see a different me after I enter this business? Maybe I'll be able to talk more than anyone of you soon, and maybe all of you might end up feeling that I'm very fan, and should stop talking during lunch? Haha~ Let's wait for that day to come then! =)
LH, I know you are worried also. You have my words that if I'm determined in doing something, I'll try my best to do.
Basically, I wanted to be with Herbalife is because:
1. There's really product result. I really did lose around 2kg in 2-3 weeks time after using their product. Yet, I did not need to spend extra money as I'm using my lunch expense to buy the product for consumption. Meaning, I replaced my lunch with the milk shake.
2. I wanted to share my experience, my result with other people, and let those who need help on lossing weight understand that if I can do it, they also can as I've already had my product result.
3. By sharing my experience on using the products, I can also earn an extra income for myself. With the extra income that I'll be earning, I can help in the family. Then my parents need not worry so much about money.
Basically, that's about it. Hope that all of you will support me mentally, give me some encouragement to make me have the confidence to walk this path. Although I know some of you will also worry that I might not able to sell all my products, due to my character (afraid to talk to people), your support (encouragement) is very important. I'll build up my courage and do it. Just a word of encouragement. Can?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thanks! muackz~
Posted by
eng eng
3:09 AM
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
can you hear them?
For those who chose to end their own life, maybe it's not that they've chosen to escape from misery. Maybe, they chose to live this world to another world to look for real happiness that they've been seeking for.
No use idling in this place and be a clown everyday. Maybe nobody really knows what they want, nobody really understands them. Most probably is because they don't talk to anyone about what they really feels and thinks in mind.
Why? Why don't they talk to someone? Why can't they be truthful about themselves?
Maybe they are afraid being laughed at? Or maybe they know what others are going to say or comment if he expressed his thoughts to people. He's just too afraid.
Maybe they are just trying to protect themselves from harm. The defensive wall that they've built is so strong that now, not just others cannot get inside, they themselves also can't go out.
Finally, they found a door that can lead them out to a world of happiness which they have been longing for....
Posted by
eng eng
12:39 AM
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
oopsy! i've cut my hair short.. not very short.. haha~
Hehe~ Went to have a haircut this morning.. Cut shorter abit.. As you know, the weather is so hot! Cannot tahan! And I don't like to tie up my hair, so.. keke~ Cut short lor.. Haha~ Like short hair.. Easy to management, make the head lighter, and also, won't so hot. Not bad right? ^^
Posted by
eng eng
11:52 PM
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Taipei 22/04-26/04
Share some of the photos taken in Taipei first. The rest of the photos will be uploaded later, either here or in Facebook, or maybe both. Depends. Haha~ =P
Posted by
eng eng
8:28 AM