Really sian recently. Just wish to put down everything and go for a short break somewhere else. Nobody can find me. Nobody will look for me. Haha~
Someone resigned recently, and the company had put up an advertisement looking for an Accounts Assistant. Wondering whether will be younger than me not. If so.. I'LL NOT BE THE YOUNGEST ALREADY!
Haha~ =p that's what I care about! No lah.. kidding~ People's age will increase as years go pass.. Nothing much to care about. Young at heart and look young can already mah.. haha~
Monday, July 5, 2010
T_T / \^^/
Posted by
eng eng
11:50 PM
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thanks! muackz~
Thank you Mum! Thank you for lending me money and supporting me in being a Herbalife distributor. I understand that you are worried that I might not be able to sell all the products that are on hand right now. I promise you that I'll really work hard and repay you asap. Although you didn't rush me into repaying you back, but I'm just worried that your financial status might not be that good anymore after lending me the sum of money. So, I really hope that I can repay you back asap.
Would like to thank Fi. also for trusting me so much and that, agreed to lend me a small sum of money also. Thanks a lot. I know what your concern is of me entering into this business, but I'll try my best to do this. Maybe, you'll see a different me after I enter this business? Maybe I'll be able to talk more than anyone of you soon, and maybe all of you might end up feeling that I'm very fan, and should stop talking during lunch? Haha~ Let's wait for that day to come then! =)
LH, I know you are worried also. You have my words that if I'm determined in doing something, I'll try my best to do.
Basically, I wanted to be with Herbalife is because:
1. There's really product result. I really did lose around 2kg in 2-3 weeks time after using their product. Yet, I did not need to spend extra money as I'm using my lunch expense to buy the product for consumption. Meaning, I replaced my lunch with the milk shake.
2. I wanted to share my experience, my result with other people, and let those who need help on lossing weight understand that if I can do it, they also can as I've already had my product result.
3. By sharing my experience on using the products, I can also earn an extra income for myself. With the extra income that I'll be earning, I can help in the family. Then my parents need not worry so much about money.
Basically, that's about it. Hope that all of you will support me mentally, give me some encouragement to make me have the confidence to walk this path. Although I know some of you will also worry that I might not able to sell all my products, due to my character (afraid to talk to people), your support (encouragement) is very important. I'll build up my courage and do it. Just a word of encouragement. Can?
Posted by
eng eng
3:09 AM
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
can you hear them?
For those who chose to end their own life, maybe it's not that they've chosen to escape from misery. Maybe, they chose to live this world to another world to look for real happiness that they've been seeking for.
No use idling in this place and be a clown everyday. Maybe nobody really knows what they want, nobody really understands them. Most probably is because they don't talk to anyone about what they really feels and thinks in mind.
Why? Why don't they talk to someone? Why can't they be truthful about themselves?
Maybe they are afraid being laughed at? Or maybe they know what others are going to say or comment if he expressed his thoughts to people. He's just too afraid.
Maybe they are just trying to protect themselves from harm. The defensive wall that they've built is so strong that now, not just others cannot get inside, they themselves also can't go out.
Finally, they found a door that can lead them out to a world of happiness which they have been longing for....
Posted by
eng eng
12:39 AM
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
oopsy! i've cut my hair short.. not very short.. haha~
Hehe~ Went to have a haircut this morning.. Cut shorter abit.. As you know, the weather is so hot! Cannot tahan! And I don't like to tie up my hair, so.. keke~ Cut short lor.. Haha~ Like short hair.. Easy to management, make the head lighter, and also, won't so hot. Not bad right? ^^
Posted by
eng eng
11:52 PM
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Taipei 22/04-26/04
Share some of the photos taken in Taipei first. The rest of the photos will be uploaded later, either here or in Facebook, or maybe both. Depends. Haha~ =P
Posted by
eng eng
8:28 AM
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
All I wanted to say is...
Asked myself this question again. If I ever have a choice, would I still choose accounting as my job? Answer is a "no". I'm really unsure if I'm really interested in accounting or just because to earn living. Until now, I still can't answer this question.
Something is very right. If you ever want to do something, just go and have a try at it while young. Not like this age of mine now, it's just all too late. =(
If ever I can turn back the clock, I want to learn a number of things or talents so called. And just pick up my courage to take part in competition to gain experience, and to improve further, hoping that one day I will make it. Even if fail to make it, at least I can tell myself that I've already tried. No regrets. In another words, yes, I've regretted.
For these few days, my thought of wanting to try to do what I want to do, is back again. My mind wondering off at times. Of course I know it's impossible to go for it now. Maybe, right from the start, it has always been a mission impossible. Of course, I did realise it long time ago. I can't compare with others at all. There's nothing good and special about me that can enable to work in the area which I'd like to work in.
Ha! Maybe accounting is still the best option for me. Let "the area of work" that I've always wanted to venture into, be a dream. One day, the thought will slowly diminish. Right? Ha~
Sometimes, I really feel that, being myself is difficult. I always ask myself, 想要做自己真的有那么难吗?Why must I behave or dress like what all others are doing? I just don't feel that comfortable, why can't I be myself? Every individual is different. If you think I'm boyish, so? I like it, can't I? If I feel like dressing like a girl, I will. To me, be comfortable with who you are is more important than anything.
Love the show 就想赖着你 because it really said what I wanted to say so much.
1. 我相信,总有一天我也会遇到一个懂得珍惜我、在乎我的人。不管我有没有钱,不管我漂不漂亮,他都会永远爱我……永远爱我……
(I believe, that one day, I will meet someone who knows how to Cherish me, irregardless if I'm rich, pretty.. He will love me forever.. )
2. 你不要提醒我什么是事实,我知道什么是事实,事实就是我没有看清楚我自己是什么样条件的女孩子,我竟然还敢不自量力的去妄想一份令人羡慕的爱情......
(Don't remind me what the truth is.. I know what is the truth.. The truth is that I didn't have a good look at myself of what condition I am as a girl, and I still dare to dream of having a love that people will be envy of..)
(Ps: Sorry for the translation. I've done my best. Haha~)
For the first sentence, though I don't really believe, but I can only hope. These two sentences are what I have in mind always. This is the drama which speaks what I wanted to say. I really know what type of girl I am.. I do..
Sometimes, I really feel that, if I can always live in a world of drama, isn't it good? Everytime will have different encounter, different scenarios.. Not just love I mean. Includes other things happening in a show. Maybe friends, family etc. Dramas seems to be a more interesting life to live.
I really feel that I'm lost in life. My job, is this what I really want? Frankly speaking, although I always said that I aim to be Financial Controller, Finance Director, Accountant etc.. I cannot see a future in me, going into this line. I really don't know if I can really succeed.
Like I said, since I can't switch to the area which I have more interest in as I just simply not as good as those people (in any aspects )in that line. I know myself.. Maybe can't even compare with a passerby. Maybe, sticking to accounting as my rice bowl, will be a good choice. Isn't it?
Posted by
eng eng
12:42 PM
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Finally finish watching 就想赖着你 (Down With Love)! So happy. Wouldn't it be so good if in real life there's really such a guy? Well, it's a drama though. Haha~ Like what my friend said, extinct! Haha~ Oops! No offence, but it's really quite not so possible to exist.
Ella is so cute in this drama and Jerry is good looking in this drama. (Didn't realise he can be quite good looking man =X)
Posted by
eng eng
4:22 PM
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Happy Tiger Year!
Wow! It's already the Tiger year! Chinese New Year is coming to an end soon. Now it's already the 8th day, just past the "ren ri" (CNY day 7). On this 7th day of CNY, we'll have the "qi yang cai" (7 types of vegetables). It's so called a birthday for all. Lets hope that in the year of the Tiger, everything will went on smoothly. All have good health, happiness and money rolling into your pocket. =D Here's a CNY song for all from my nephew and me:
Was watching this drama called 就想赖着你 (Down with Love). Quite a nice show, watched 7 episodes at one go, cool man! It's been a long time since I'm like watching drama in this type of speed also. Haha~ Oops! =X Okie, going to sleep now. Good night~
Posted by
eng eng
2:19 AM
Saturday, January 30, 2010
uploaded photos in facebook =D
Well, lazy to upload in both places, thus uploaded all photos in my facebook. These photos include those taken during my hair colouring session, Coreen's 22nd birthday, my nephew and I and a lot more. Take a look and you'll know. Haha~
Oh ya, taken some photos during the meet up with Kim Yuen and Yan Ting. Went to Marina Country Club (think so.. =X) there to have steamboat. The wind was too strong so none of us are in the photo. Scenery only. Haha~
Went to K-Buffet with my colleagues also. Taken some photos after eating! Haha~ I always take after eating and not before eating, weird.. =X Well, one of my colleagues drink (Honey Lemon), there's a lemon seed stuck at the straw there. Haha~ So funny.. Hahaha!
Posted by
eng eng
11:07 PM
Monday, January 25, 2010
lazy to blog again =p
Haha~ yes! I'm lazy to blog again! oops =x
Ok ok, will find one day to upload all my photos into facebook and my this blog here.
Went shopping with Lay Hoon and Shin Yee yesterday. We went to 313@Somerset to shop. Big place to shop, but bought only 1 piece of vest/coat or whatever you called, at BYSI. Got sales, so saw this vest quite nice, and bought it. Haha~ Asked both girls umpteen times whether should buy not until they feel so vexed already. Wahaha!
After that, Lay Hoon so poor thing, need go back office to work. Oh ya, before we went shopping at 313, Lay Hoon and I went K-Lunch! Long time never go sing with her already. She still sang 183Club's songs. Haha~ I've almost forgotten their songs though. Ok, back to topic. After Lay Hoon went back office, actually Shin Yee needed go back buy food for her brother. But! NEL got some train fault problem. The trains are not coming from either direction. Waited for maybe more than 10 minutes for the train. In the end, the announcement went from "the train will be delayed a while" to "adviced to take alternative". Haha~ Thus! We went to Ang Mo Kio to shop and had our dinner at the S-11 there.
The world is so small. I was standing at the stall selling western food and deciding what to order, I met my cousin there. She came to the same stall as me to order the food. She, just like Shin Yee had said, the food there is very nice. Must try! So, deiciding whether to take chicken chop or pork chop, I decided to try the pork chop. Haha~
So.. That's all about it. Bye~
Posted by
eng eng
11:09 PM
Sunday, January 10, 2010
slow down my weekends... pls... haha~
Weekends seems to pass so fast, now it's already Sunday and tomorrow have to get back to work again! Sigh~ School has already started, which means that my Wednesdays and Fridays are already occupied! =S Ya, appointment with my lecturers! Haha~
C.P. had left for China this morning and will be back about 1 month later I guess. Before he left, he wanna meet Fion and I for the "last" time. Haha~ Funny man. Sounds as if he's not coming back. But anyway, we've met on Thursday. Thought of watching a movie, but no attractive movie to watch, and also no good time slot for those that we wanna watch. In the end, we ate and chat at Ichiban Sushi.
Yesterday watched New Moon online, quite nice. There'll be a new one coming up, third part of Twilight, called something like Eclipse or what. Waiting for that. =D
Posted by
eng eng
2:11 PM
Sunday, January 3, 2010
a new year means new happiness and sadness
Have to work again on Monday, and school will be starting on Wednesday. Suddenly feel so tired. Work, study, work, study.. Study so hard for what? Having so much money for what? I earned my money and yet someone kept borrow money from me again and again. Rejected but no use. Keep sms me, and I'm really sick of it!
Spending more than what you can earn? Sorry! It's your own doing! I'm telling you now that, once you've gotten your salary, no more money lending from me to you. NO MORE! I'll shut down my phone and I mean it!
What a start of a new year! Buddy, you are right! A new year means new happiness and sadness. Am experiencing it right now. Sometimes I feel that, my unhappiness seems to be covering my happiness. The only time when I feel relaxed, carefree, happy is when I'm singing or listening to music alone. It's a kind of enjoyment.
Sometimes I hope that I can be like you, buddy. Staying overseas. Experience something which you can't when you are living here with your parents. Maybe when away will you know how to appreciate your family and friends, know who are the one who really care about you and be by your side whenever you are in need.
However, on the other side, maybe it's a way to stay away from some troubles, unhappiness that you are facing in here, and people whom you might not want to see now, will also can't find you there. Pros and cons, I should say. Maybe it's just a feeling right now, I don't know.
Posted by
eng eng
9:05 PM
Friday, January 1, 2010
end of 2009, start of 2010
2009 is now history and a new chapter will now begin. Looking back, time really flies so fast that it's beyond my imagination. Didn't realise that I've already worked for 1.5yrs, nearing 2 years in May. I still thought that I've just left my polytechnic life not long only, but it's actually long.
Happiness, unhappiness, sadness, anger and etc, all these feelings should be gone by now. It should end together with the year 2009. We should now start with a fresh new sheet of paper and start filling up our 2010 with more emotions, fun, experiences, stories and so on.
In life, there'll surely be ups and downs. What's important is not that we've fell, it's that we learnt how to stand up and continue to walk on with life. Falling down is not scary at all, instead it makes us learn from our mistakes and improve from there. As people always said, failure is the mother of success. Without failure, where will you get success? Will you really understand the meaning of success and also to treasure it?
Study hard is not enough, working hard also not enough. We must learn how to study smart and smart! Been slacking in my studies in 2009, so I must really work HARD and SMART this year. Cannot afford to last minute study again! Haha~ Every year I'll say the same thing, so.. Hmm.. Just 'listen" will do.. Haha~
Yesterday at work, one of my colleague, K aka my "ma ma", set a new year resolution for me. =S sigh.. Haha~ That is.. To slim down! And not see a "chubby" Eng Eng in 2011! Haha~ Tough!! Oops! BUT! Is true though. After my exam leave, I've gained back my weight again. Gosh! Scary! Must really cut down junk food and exercise more.
In 2009, someone had left this place to heaven and this person is none other than Michael Jackson. Though I'm not a fan of him, but I realised that a lot of his songs I've heard before! Oops! Previously I heard some songs but didn't know that the songs are sang by him, until his death then I knew. The King of Pop, always a King of Pop! Lives in the heart of many people, thus he's not dead actually! Nobody can replace him. His dance. His songs. Bravo! *clap clap clap* Recently just watched This Is It and he's so cool! He's a humble man despite being so famous. I think a lot of people should really learn from him; his attitude in fact. Humble! Understand? Don't be too arrogant! Go Michael!!
In a brand new year, I just hope that I can really set my mind in studying, pass all my papers as soon as possible, get my CPA as soon as possible. Once completed study, I'll focus on my work. Hmm.. Haha~ Boyfriend? Leave it to fate. Maybe in 2011 when I managed to slim down, maybe I'll doll up, maybe I might get a boyfriend by then? Haha~ Since is next year, so we'll talk about it next year. Haha~
Wishing my family and friends and also all the people around the world good health, more money, excel in study, excel in work and may all have a prosperous 2010! Happy New Year!!!
Posted by
eng eng
1:01 PM