Had a dream last night and it seemed to be an expression of my thought (sometimes). In my dream, I told my mum that once I've completed my ACCA study (that's when I can save more money than I do now), I plan to find rent a room and move out to stay on my own. Haha~
Been having this thought at times; when I was full with anger inside of me. Sometimes I just don't understand certain things and I already given up, don't wish to say anymore as it's just absolutely useless, just wasting my saliva that's all.
I just want to avoid this type of situation. Yes, it's a selfish thought. Dilemma. It's an on and off thought. On one hand, I want to avoid similar incident while on the other hand, I want to stay with my family too. I still want to get to play with my nephew everyday. Sigh..
Nevermind, it's just a dream only anyway. Haha~ Who knows, maybe, one fine day, I might really move out? Haha~ Nah.. At least not so soon.. Haha~
Saturday, September 26, 2009
a dream..
Posted by
eng eng
2:25 PM
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
What the hell is going on?!
No need to go to work for these 2 days as I was on an Advanced Excel course. Feeling so great, as though was a long weekends for me. Thursday(17/09/09) till Monday (21/09/09) there's not a need to go to work! Haha~ Happy! No need to take leave and yet can escape from going to office for work. No bad isn't it? Haha~
Heard that Rhino's father-in-law has been admitted to hospital and a limited number of days left. Actually, felt quite sad upon hearing this even though I may not know him. Of course when you heard negative news, even if is a stranger, this type of news sure is saddening, am I right to say so?
Recently my grandmother also not that positive looking. Well, maybe might not last till next year. I hope to see her continue living happily in this world, but she's more like suffering in pain now. She fell down like a week or 2 weeks ago, suffered from a fracture. Couldn't operate as firstly, she's already quite old (90+) if remembered correctly, plus her heart is not that strong anymore. So, couldn't take the risk and Doctor also said can't operate on her.
Basically now she can't move, she'll have to stay in her bed most of the time. She felt pain (due to the fracture) and taking medicine to control the pain. Quite sad isn't it? Sigh. Some more to go but I'll not go on here.
Recently quite a number of things seemed to have happened. Well, not major problem (except the 2 incidents mentioned above). Just some minor incidents. Firstly, one of our office's drive crashed. Followed by the broke down of our printer, then comes the invoice printing machine next. Now our computers are all connected to just one printer to print everything we needed to. Then, one of the accountant's PC also spoilt, and heard that today, some can't print to the printer again.
What the hell is going on?! Argh!! Forget it! Never mind..
It's been a long time going to sing already. I wanna go KBOX!! PARTYWORLD!! I WANNA GO SINGING!! Is it that difficult? Maybe it is. Wondering when will I be going and who are going with me. Well, just keep on waiting then...
Posted by
eng eng
10:12 PM