It’s been quite some time that the four of us (Shin, Coreen, Janice and me) went put together. Hmm.. Where did we go?
Eh.. Oh! Bugis that Illuma to dine at the Empire State. Haha~ The food there is alright, not bad. I ordered the half chicken but to realize that I don’t know how to cut to eat. It looks so awful being cut up by me. So poor thing (the chicken). I’m not going to order half chicken again until I’ve learnt how to cut nicely and graciously. For the time being, I’ll just order 1 full chicken then. Oops! =X kidding kidding~
Oh ya, Janice was so happy when she saw the staff pushing out the dustbin. Haha~ Don’t get it wrong! She’s not looking at the staff. She’s looking at the DUSTBIN! Haha~ Oops! So sorry Janice, didn’t mean to say that. Haha~ No offence, alright? =P
After dinner, we went to have our dessert (also at Bugis that area). Each of us ordered different dessert. Quite nice the desserts, can go there again. But! I forget where that place is, so.. haha~ Must ask Shin about it. Haha~
Instead of going back to Bugis to take MRT, we walked to Clarke Quay instead. Haha~ Enjoying the “scenery” while chit-chatting. Not a long way, or maybe it’s because we are walking and talking at the same time. Hmm.. Possible..
When taking bus no.72 back home, the bus driver, wondering how he drive, brakes so suddenly that I almost fell! Luckily Shin helped me and prevented me from falling.
Nonetheless, it was a wonderful outing whereby we kept one another posted of our recent status. =)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
meet up on 24/07/09 Friday
Posted by
eng eng
1:42 PM
Sunday, July 26, 2009
nephew at pasar malam
For the past 2 weeks or so, there was this pasar malam near my house there. He went there to play while I took the photo for him. Oh ya, I also accompany him to take the Pirate Ship. Haha~
Posted by
eng eng
7:04 PM
it's my NEPHEW's time again!!
He placed all the fish into each plate and line them up properly.
He FORCED me to put on HIS socks -_-"'
Don't think his bike is also a willing party. Oops =X
He's lion dancing again!
Posted by
eng eng
6:41 PM
Saturday, July 25, 2009
just being bored.. haha~
Hmm.. A bit bored so while walking to Tanjong Pagar MRT station after work, decided to take a photo of my colleagues' back view and compare whose back view is the nicest of all.. =X wahaha~
What do you think?
Posted by
eng eng
3:08 PM
Monday, July 6, 2009
think think think
Suddenly the long time lost feeling of emptiness is back again.. Suddenly I feel like being alone and feeling that alone might not be that bad after all..
Should I start considering switching to audit work? Or should I wait till after ACCA then think about it as I'm worried that I might not be able to handle work (audit) and study at the same time. Looking at how Lay Hoon is coping, imagine myself in her shoe, I'll be dead very soon. I'm not as disciplined as her, can start revision earlier (at least earlier than me). I'm just too used to last minute study. Sigh..
Feel like taking a bus home from work to think about these issues, which was why sometimes I alight at TPY to take bus 88 home. Look at the scenery and think..
School has started once again. Don't even dare to think about results which should be out in August? I guess so. Don't bother to know the result release date as really not confident this time round which was the reason that I don't dare to think about my results. Wondering how many papers will I have to retake. 1? 2? 3? Wah! Sian~
Hey buddy! Talk to me lah. Though we not able to MSN, but can email to me to have a heart to heart talk what. Or give me a call or I give you a call to chat lah. Don't keep talking to your diary. There's a human here with you and will always be there for you. I'll be your listening ear. I promise.
Okie lah, going to sleep already, Gotta work tomorrow morning. Later cannot wake up.
Good night, diary. May I have a sweet dream~ Haha~ =p
Posted by
eng eng
11:56 PM