Hey people!
Updated my nephew’s blog already. Think should remain active this time round as I’m getting his parents to help me update too. Haha~
If you are free, please go and have a look at it.
Very soon, my second nephew will be out. I think I’ll change the blog (if I’m free to do so, haha~) to blog entries for both my nephews. Haha~
Already start to wonder how my Divan’s di di (younger brother) is going to look like. So excited! Haha~ Hope will be as cute as him, but not as naughty as him. Haha~ If not, chaos man. Hahaha~
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Updated Divan’s Blog =)
Posted by
eng eng
7:36 PM
Share of Thought
Something which my lecturer mentioned during her class yesterday and I find it interesting or rather, that’s the truth. She said that all of us are actors and actresses. In work we behave this way, but outside of work, it’s completely a different person. The same to when he/she is with his/her friends or when with her family. It just displays the different him/her. Why want to watch those actors and actresses acting on TV when there’s a real life drama going on around us everyday. It’ll be interesting to watch the people around us.
Haha~ Sounds true, isn’t it? At least that’s what I feel. I do agree that people behave differently in different places with different group of people. I’m sure all of us do, maybe we just don’t take notice of ourselves doing so. Think about it and see whether it is true not. Well, I’m not saying that it’s definitely true. It’ll all depend on how all of you think about it. No offence. =) Just a share of thought.
Posted by
eng eng
12:58 PM
Monday, July 28, 2008
Is this the life I want?
Ever since started working, life has become so boring to me. Mondays to Fridays all working, left with Saturdays and Sundays to enjoy life. Am I really enjoying my life during weekends then? The answer is “no”.
Gotta give tuition on Saturdays from 12pm to 2pm. Woke up at around 9am++ and then get prepared for the tuition class (prepare some activities, work etc as weekdays were really tired to do so. Especially Tuesdays and Thursdays as there is ACCA study. Haha~ Normally will end up being a walking or “working” corpse the next day. Haha~
That’s why I want to pick up badminton again, meaning to play every week (weekends hopefully). If not, my life is just all about working. Unhealthy life some more. Haha~
Problem is, I can’t seem to find anyone who really loves playing badminton. As I said, when I was younger, I used to play with all the aunties and uncles who love to play badminton a lot. We were learning from one another, improving/sharpening their badminton skill.
If not, play some other sports also can. For example basketball. Actually can also go swimming or jogging during weekends, but talking about jogging, don’t really feel like going. Haha~
Anyway, this entry boils down to the question of whether this is the life that I really want? Or basically there’s not much choice left too. Haha~ However, we must always have a positive mindset. Haha~ It’s not so much to have this kind of life after all. This is only the start, who knows that life might get more interesting as it proceeds on? Right? =) Hahaha~
Posted by
eng eng
6:15 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
lunch-in; boredom
Wa~ Raining so heavily outside. Lazy to take brolly so decided to lunch in instead.
Today is Monday (crap) and am having Monday blues. Haha~ Actually I'm just tired due to insomnia last night; couldn't get to sleep and yet don't know why. Haha~ Still awake at 3am++. Suddenly the alarm rang and it's time to wake up. Omg! Do I have enough sleep?
Anyway, still haven't adapt to working and studying at the same time. Really salute to those who had succeeded doing so. Really darn tired last weekends. Been spending majority of my time taking afternoon nap, plus somemore I slept quite early the previous night. Haha~ Slept too much already, I guess.
Hope I can adapt soon, at least not feeling that tired during weekends. Haha~ I should be out somewhere with friends shopping, if not, should be exercising and not sleeping. Don't you think so? Keep cooping at home seems lifeless. Haha~ Since I'm already "cooping" at the office from Mondays to Fridays already. I should be out taking in some fresh air. Haha~
Actually, I don't know what I should blog about, thus writing some rubbish here. Basically just to get out of boredom since I'm lunching in. Haha~
Okie! See you guys soon. Enjoy work, holidays etc.
Take care! Bye~
Posted by
eng eng
12:51 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
clouds in the sky
I just realised that I like to look at the clouds in the sky. Watch the shapes being formed, watch them move across the sky, look at the colour of the clouds etc. It gives me a sense of peacefulness. I feel so relaxed when looking up at the sky, watching the clouds' movement.
It's so cool, I mean the clouds. Can you imagine being a cloud? Freedom! You can be whatever you like. Show your "feelings" openly; happy is a white cloud, unhappy is a dark cloud. When really furious, strike all you want, shout all you want; referring to lightning and thunder.
Haha~ Second paragraph is just crap, so can just ignore. =)
Anyway, had lunch with Shin Yee at Lau Pa Sat (not sure of the spelling) today. Two more days to her last day of her temporary job. After which, rest for two more weeks before her school starts. Study is being preferred than working, don't you agree with me? Haha~ It's alright if you don't. Haha~
Ever since start ACCA, time seems to pass faster than before. Plus I have to give tuition on Saturdays, it seems like one week just flies off in a blink of an eye.
Long time never play badminton already, feel like picking up this sports again; to play every week if possible, just like before. Problem is, I don't have friends who are so in love with badminton who will play with me every week. (I think so, if not wrong.)
Last time I can play every week or almost everyday when I was in my secondary school time is because I played with my brother at the neighbourhood's badminton court. After which, some aunties and uncles joined in when they jog pass. That's how we met quite a few badminton "likers". Ever since start polytechnic life, seldom go play in the evening due to the school timing. As time goes by, it became not going down anymore. Haha~ Anyway, think those aunties and uncles also no time to play with us/me anymore as now I also seldom see them go there for jogging.
Well, hope to find some badminton "likers" or lovers again and I can start my badminton "session" all over again. Like that I can further improve my skill also since I'm not that good either. Play more to play even better, don't you think so? Haha~
Posted by
eng eng
9:31 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
the baby is a...
BOY! Yes, I mean my sis-in-law is expecting a baby boy. I'm gonna have another nephew to play with. Haha~
Well, though I'm hoping for a niece, but regardless whether is a baby boy or baby girl, I'll sure love them. Oh yeah, love them with all my heart. Haha~
Wa~ Cannot imagine if the baby boy is gonna be another of my nephew; CHAOS! Haha~ Sure fight with each other. Wow~ I think the house will be in a mess man, haha~
Should be around another 2 months++ time when my another nephew will be born into this world. So fast, isn't it? I'm getting older as these kids are growing up. Oh mine... Haha~
Posted by
eng eng
8:35 PM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
a completely different life from now on...
Well, started my ACCA class plus my very first tutoring session this week. My first time to give tuition, and luckily is a primary 2 kid. She's a, can be so called, a relative of mine since she's my sis-in-law's cousin. Haha~ Quite nervous for me as this is my first time, and I didn't know how to start at all. Well, in the end the lesson went on smoothly and hopefully she understood what I've taught her. (We started on a topic which her teacher would be starting the week starting tomorrow. In another words, she didn't learn that topic at all yet. Hope I didn't confuse her. Haha~)
She's actually a clever kid I must say. She got the basic fast. However she scored around 70 for Maths and she was quite upset about it as the other subjects she got 90 over marks. Why like that? I asked her if she understood the topics or not, and she replied a "yes". What went wrong then? That's when she told me that the problem lies with her speed of calculation. She didn't have time to do the paper. I hope that I can help her build up her speed so that she can do faster. Hope I can succeed. =)
As for ACCA class, the lessons were fun, as in the lecturers were quite funny. The lessons were thus not that boring afterall. Just that, some of the things being taught in school seems to have "given" back to the lecturers already, so is now slowly trying to recall what I've learnt in school. Hope that I can pass ACCA though. Must work hard, that's all I can say. Say is not enough, must put in action. Hope that I can really do what I've planned in mind then. Haha~
As for work, ya, everything's just fine. Now is month-end closing for the Accounts, so maybe a bit busy? Haha~ Not really busy, but should I say, busy over the stupid bank reconciliation? Haha~ Since I couldn't balance at first try, must do it for the second or third time in order to balance. Whenever I couldn't balance, I'll say "I hate bank recon". When I can get it balanced, I really love doing it. Haha~
Posted by
eng eng
11:03 PM