Tomorrow is the start of my CPA journey, haha~ Not really, but just a stepping stone? Haha~ Tomorrow I'll be attending my very first ACCA lesson. Quite nervous and yet quite sian also. Well, that's what we called adulthood life? Maybe. Haha~ Working and part time study is no joke, it really tests your determination. Hope I can persevere and work towards my goal; CPA. Yeah! Jia you! Go Go Go!
*hope I can be a good student who will not doze off during lesson time. haha~*
Never realise that this is my third week in my permanent team. Everything's going on smoothly so far. Answering phone calls and making phone calls seem to be getting easier for me. Maybe I'm getting used to it, not that scared anymore. Anyway, just hope that everything (my work and also ACCA study) will go on smoothly from now onwards. =)
Anyway, for my Tuesdays' class, I've got one of my polytechnic's classmate attending the same class as me. Means I might not be alone; I might be able to meet her in class. Not that bad. Haha~ Too bad, it doesn't apply to my Thursdays' class. Well, it's alright anyway. Ever since I've planned to go for ACCA, I didn't expect any friends or classmates who will be same as me. Haha~
Monday, June 30, 2008
long time never study already~
Posted by
eng eng
9:30 PM
Saturday, June 21, 2008
photos sharing session - 1
Graduation Ceremony

My colleague, Fi, was playing with my phone camera. She's trying to test the camera, so I turned my head to avoid being captured in the photo. While she's taking the photo, the accountant, C.Y. happened to walk by. Thus, forming this "artistic" photo. (He might be thinking that Fi was trying to take a photo of him? Haha~)
Posted by
eng eng
11:43 PM
Officially switched team this week!
Yo! For your information, I've already switched to my new permanent team this week. At first couldn't really adapt, especially for the first two or three days. I've not much work to do in that team during those days, even the temporary staff was more busy than me. Sort of feel "extra" in that team.
After which, I began to get a bit more work which can last me for the day. If there's work to do, time seems to pass faster. That's why sometimes you would rather have more work than less work. Haha~
For these few days, I've been either making phone calls or receiving phone calls. As you know, I've got a phobia of phone calls, as in phone calls for work due to not so good experience(s). I think, I've more or less conquered my fear. At least, I don't think that long before making the call to someone. Haha~ Think I still need to work hard in this area. =) I can do it! Haha~
Went lunch with my last time team of people yesterday. It was supposed to be a welcome lunch (so called) for their new permanent staff (I'm no longer belonging to their team from this week onwards), but I was still invited to join them. Haha~ Sort of weird, but still okie. At least I'm more familiar with these people than my current team's people. We went to the restaurant just floors above our office. Was waiting for food and feeling sleepy. Haha~
Anyway, it was a good lunch with the group of people whom I've enjoyed working with for the past two months. Maybe should have more of this type of lunch to bond the people together. I still feel that the people in the office, regardless of which team they belong, seems to be lacking of bonding within their own team. Haha~ Personal opinion only.
Oh ya, Monday I'll be lunching with my current team of people. Should I say, lunch with my person-in-charge (accounts executive, I think that's their position if not wrong), together with the other new permanent staff under the other person. To make it simple, four of us will be lunching togther on Monday, namely Ir, K, C and me. Not sure if there's a change of plan, but that's the tentative plan.
Hope things will get better each day. I'll be starting school real soon; the week after next. Wa~ I think I'll be very tired by then as I'll also be tuitoring on Saturdays. Haha~ I think I'll still survive well. =/ *think so* haha~
ps: I've updated my nephew's blog. Please drop by when you guys are free. =)
Posted by
eng eng
11:20 PM
Sunday, June 8, 2008
as the days are nearing..
Now we are doing month-end closing, which also means that the day when I'm going to switch to another team is also nearing. Feeling quite sad when I came to think about it. Been enjoying myself a lot under this current team of people. Really. They are really nice and funny people. A very good team of people to work with. The new temporary staff who is going to take over me, you can really consider yourself lucky. Haha~ I'm sure you (the new temporary staff) will also enjoy working with them. =)
Well, I think that the other team of people shouldn't be that bad either. I must work with them before I can really conclude. So far, I think it should be quite alright. Hope so. Haha~ Maybe it's just that they don't smile that often, and that's why I'm little worried working with them, or rather I should say is Ir. Haha~ When she smiles, she looks alright to me, but not when she's not smiling. A bit fierce looking, or not that friendly looking. Haha~
Anyway, I've registered my ACCA course for the July intake. Haha~ Yes! The course will start very soon, on 1st July 2008. Haha~ 3 more weeks only. So fast. Haha~ I'll be attending class on every Tuesdays and Thursdays. Each class will last 3 hours from 6.45pm to 9.45pm. Can imagine how "early" I'll reach home every Tuesdays and Thursdays? Haha~ That's part-time students' life, isn't it? =D
I must try my very best to pass all my papers at one go, and complete the whole course in 2.5 years' time, if possible. If not, hopefully will not more than 3 years. I wanna get my CPA asap. Haha~ That's my goal I've set to so called, motivate myself to study hard. Haha~
Posted by
eng eng
11:18 AM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
While travelling on the bus back home, I suddenly recalled something which one of my friends said to me when we were talking about girlfriends and boyfriends. I think it was like almost half a year ago? Haha~ Suddenly, recently, a lot of the past happenings just kept flashing back in my mind. Don't know why and don't understand why. Haha~ Is something bad gonna happen? *CHOY* Haha~
Oh ya, at that time was talking about this friend of mine who likes a guy, but she doesn't dare to confess or let him know. I think is also, that the guy is already attached. If not wrong, she already likes him when he was still single and available, just that she has no courage to express her feeling. At that point of time, I was like, feel wasted for her. She should just go ahead and make known her feeling to him what. Well, that's her decision.
So there came a part when I asked her what she did next or something like that. Cannot really recall the detail. Haha~ Then I recalled what she said to me at one part of the conversation:
Since I (she, my friend) don't dare to let him know, then in order to make myself feel better (the feeling inside), I tried to make him dislike me so that it marks the end of me and him. Since he doesn't like me what. Haha~
Wa~ When I heard this answer or whatever it is, I was totally shocked! I was thinking to myself, why you want to do that. Just remain as usual, isn't it okie already? Do you have to go into that extent to make yourself, like, forget him or let yourself know that it's really impossible, so stop thinking about it?
Haha~ Now, come to think about it, maybe it's a good method or solution to tell yourself to stop all imagination, stop all the impossible thoughts in the mind. Haha~ Worth a try, I think. Haha~ At least you'll stop yourself from bluffing yourself that you and him might be possible. This might help you feel better? Haha~ That's what I feel about her answer right now. Haha~
Posted by
eng eng
10:35 PM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
@ new permanent seat
Being second day at my new seat, I still cannot get used to it; the computer screen, environment or whatever it is, just a strange feeling. Tend to go back to wrong table after leaving my desk to get something. Haha~ I guess it'll take me a few more days to adapt to it. Haha~
Anyway, I'm left with 7 more days to change to another team. Time flies, really. Well, maybe I'm already getting used to V's and J's working style which I've gotta start all over again to adapt to Ir's working style the next time round. Just to say that, I really enjoy working under them. =D At least I'm not dragging myself to work (most of the time). Haha~
Today, K suddenly called for me (I've got a shocked as I don't expect them to call me or know my name)and passed me a letter, or rather a notice or whatever. It states that we can claim for taxi fare if were to work overtime, provided we worked over 9pm. Well, better than nothing as I think we/they can't even claim after 9pm. Yeah! It's a piece of good news if were to look on the positive side.
Oh ya, she sounded friendly just now too. Maybe she's in a good mood? Haha~ I think she's in a very good mood today as she's more friendly today. Haha~ Maybe because I've not seen her like this before? Haha~ She was quite funny just now. She told C to use other coloured files (I think they going add some files), and not yellow. Haha~ The way she said was so funny lah. Yeah, I was laughing down there, with the others who heard. Haha~ Well, maybe the "incident" which happened just now will able to improve my impression on the other team bah. Haha~
[ps: Think Y.K. (not Y.G., now then I realised I've typed the name wrongly, haha~) not in a good mood today. Her face looked quite black the whole day, plus Vernise being "told off" or something like that when she had nothing to do after completing her task on hand. There wasn't much thing for her, or rather us, to do as they are attending training the whole day. Yup, so not her fault for doing nothing. Thus, I guessed is Y.K. not in a good mood too bah.]
*sigh* Tomorrow and the day after I'll be lunching alone. Vernise's taking half day off while F (the new permanent staff of my current team) is taking 2 days off. Haha~ Sian~
Posted by
eng eng
10:22 PM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Friday, my last day @ my temp seat
Ya, I've shift most my of things over to my new seat, or rather is my permanent seat. I can't chat with Vernise (the temporary staff) there that often since we'll be sitting apart. I think that's gonna be quite boring. Haha~
Anyway, it was Te Wei's (the temporary staff) last day and that's why I can officially move to my permanent place. He didn't leave on time or leave earlier on his last day. He normally would leave a bit earlier on normal days. Before he left, the people were so funny man. They told him must be good boy, don't go around cheating girls etc. Haha~ So funny! Well, he's also a funny guy, without him I think it's gonna be boring too. Haha~
Having said so much, just to say that I'll be shifting to my permanent seat on Monday, and I think the "feel" will be different. No longer sitting at the place which I've more or less get used to. Maybe that will make me feel like a permanent staff? Well, maybe and maybe not?
And now, it's really left two weeks before changing team. A bit sad, I think. Well, as I said, that's life. Oh ya, still need to call the IT guy to ask about my email. Have been delaying for two days already, as I really don't know how I shall put it. I don't know if he will know I am not as during orientation that time, I don't remember seeing him. Haha~ Further more, I'm still scared of making phone calls or answering phone calls. Haha~ Gotta overcome this but it'll take times. Give me more time to conquer my fear, okie? =)
I'll enjoy my last two weeks helping V and J before switching over to adapt to the people I'll be helping out with, namely Ir. Hope she's also a nice person like V and J. Haha~ =)
Posted by
eng eng
11:47 AM